Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Art and Pregs

Here's one from the *Learn Something New Everyday* file...

I was looking for a strong-pregnant-woman image in honor of a dear friend Kelly who gave natural childbirth to her second child and first daughter this past month. Thank the universe that she educated herself and knew exactly what she did and did not want out of her hospital experience. She had taken steps to have someone she was comfortable with, a certified nurse midwife, present as her primary birth facilitator.

However, after the birth, when healthy mom and baby were recovering, an MD decided (with a phone-in direct observation or patient visit) based on to two borderline blood pressure readings, that pre-eclampsia was a concern and she would inflict magnesium on the patient. For those that don't know, the primary treatment for pre-eclampsia is yes, delivering a baby. Additionally, mag has these lovely COMMON side effects:
  • Flushing
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Palpitations
  • Headache
  • General muscle weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Constipation
Being of sound mind and common sense, my friend politely and firmly declined this treatment. To which the doctor said, "okay". I guess it wasn't that important after all.

Back to the image I found....Hope II by Gustav Klimt.
Yep that's one beautiful pregnant mama.

During the search, I also found the first Hope by Klimt:

I didn't realize Klimt was so into the pregos.

And finally, through the magic of the internet, I learn that Dave Navarro, formerly of the group Jane's Addition, has a tattoo of Hope on his forearm. The artist in question desperately lacking the talent of Klimt.Learn something new every day!

1 comment:

emily said...

will you be my doula? pretty please!