I heard about it from the water birth conference in Myrtle Beach, where I got to meet the one and only Barbara Harper, queen mother of water birth and world traveling advocate of natural childbirth. She's awesome. I learned so much. My favorite statistic was this....
Once you are induced (typically with pitocin), you increase your chance of a c-section 50% !!!
I have no idea why (beyond true emergencies) anyone thinks being induced is a good idea. Pit contractions are hard and fast and almost guarantee a torn va-jay-jay.
I have so much info to share from Barbara Harper and Pregnant in America. For now, here is a bit about epidurals. So many women underestimate their potential to work through a little discomfort, they'd rather pay the hundreds of dollars (thousands?) for medicine that may not work properly, that will necessitate a catheter in your urethra, immobilize you, and force you into THE PHYSICALLY and PHYSIOLOGICALLY WORST POSITION POSSIBLE FOR BIRTH. Here are are just a few additional risks that go along with epidurals...
toxic drug reaction
allergic shock
severe headache
frequent vomiting
frequent shivering
difficulty breathing
septic meningitis
fecal and urinary incontinence
bladder catheterization
bacterial meningitis
hypotension (can lead to emergency c-section)
prolonged labor
weaker uterine contractions
inability for woman to push the baby out
increased likelihood of being induced
increased likelihood of forceps
increased likelihood of episiotomy
increase likelihood of c-section
accidental injection of anesthetic into the blood stream
punctured dura
post dural puncture
headache (PDPH)
feelings of emotional detatchment
decreased maternal-infant bonding
complications to the baby
direct drug toxicity to baby
allergic reaction
fetal drowsiness
fetal respiratory insufficiency
fetal distress
abnormal fetal heart rate
fetal hyperthermia
neonatal jaundice
poor fetal muscle strength
death of the baby
increased likelihood of post-partum depression
neurological complications
permanent nerve damage
chronic back pain
chronic migraine headaches
chronic “pins and needles”
numbness and tingling of the lower limbs
chronic bladder dysfunction
loss of sensation and sexual function
damage to spinal cord
cardiac arrest
maternal death
Is it worth it???