Monday, June 29, 2009

What is Midwifery?

(snatched from

"…most of the women who go to OBs do not know - or at least believe popular misconceptions - about what midwives do. Every woman would want midwifery care for herself and baby if they knew what it truly was…. All the women I know who used midwives were women who wanted individualized care and somebody to be there to support them through their whole birth experience. Somebody who knew them and who they trusted; rather than a practice where you rotate through providers and get whoever is on call. Some had natural births, some with epidurals, etc. but the most important aspect was that relationship and better care."


Wizard and Nugget Donovan make their grand entrance this week!!!

July 1st, what a great birthdate.

Perfect timing. (I hear fireworks are planned this weekend).

My camera is charged up and ready to be filled with chubby baby cheeks and smiling parents.

Eeeeek!!! Too exciting.