Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yay Duggars!

After the births of 17 of his siblings by his parents, Michelle and JimBob Duggar, first born Josh Duggar and his new bride Anna decided on a homebirth for their first baby.  YAY!!! 

Mackynzie Renee Duggar was born October 8, 2009 at home.

Anna walked around during early labor to help the baby descend, and used the shower for massage.  From what the viewers saw, it was a peaceful delivery.  I was SO happy to see a gentle birth story instead of the typical screaming, knife wielding, drug pushing, masked situation you usually see on TV births.

HOWEVER, I must point out an inaccuracy that upset me.  The Duggars said that they invited their childbirth instructor to attend as their doula at their birth.  A doula is not qualified to deliver a baby and provides no medical care.  A doula is trained to offer emotional, physical, and psychological support throughout labor and birth.

A Licensed Midwife (LM), or a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) provides prenatal care, delivery of the baby and postpartum care.  The midwife is responsible for the safety of the mother and baby.  They determine if the labor and birth is progressing well, or if there is a need for hospital transfer (in the case of a birth center or homebirth).

I'm hoping that this woman was trained as a midwife, but the narration just didn't mention it.  Homebirth is safe only when a skilled and experienced primary care provider is in attendence.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Doctor

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my letter and inform me of the fact that your entire practice cannot support homebirth (vicarious liability is a powerful thing).

However, I have to let you know that I question the *information* you used in an attempt to scare me out of my homebirth decision.

Although I did not attend medical school, I doubt that there is a way to predict if and how many times an fetus will wrap itself in the umbilical cord. Beyond that, I'm relatively sure you cannot attribute it to the mother.

Finally, the weight of a baby cannot be accurately predicted prebirth, even with maternal measurements and sonograms. So I'm also pretty sure that the weight cannot be predicted sight unseen, based on previous pregnancies and withOUT said measurements and sonograms.

Good try though. Good luck with your fearmongering.....I mean, business.

an educated pregnant mother